YouTube Bundles

Now enjoy browsing new You tube with Etisalat anytime.

Promotions Benefits Price Validity Activation Deactivation Auto- renewal
Monthly 5GB YouTube bundle 5GB 299 AFN 30 Days YT5 to 3378 PUYT5 to 3378 Yes
Monthly 10GB YouTube bundle 10 GB 549 AFN 30 Days YT10 to 3378 PUYT10 to 3378 Yes
Daily 3GB YouTube bundle 3GB 119 AFN Daily YT3 to 3378 PUYT3 to 3378 Yes
Monthly 15GB YouTube bundle 15GB 599 AFN 30 Days YT15 to 3378 PUYT15 to 3378 Yes
  • Subscribers can purchase the same bundle multiple times in a month/ day.
  • The You Tube Bundles can activate with other bundles any time.
  • Benefits of You Tube bundles are not transferable.
  • Activation of You Tube bundles are having double authentication.
  • Out of bundle rates within bundle validity will be at 1 AFN per MB.
  • Standalone bundles shall be applicable for YouTube any time.
  • Off-peak You Tube bundle shall be effective from (10 PM - 6AM) only.
  • You Tube bundles do not have any conflict with other data bundles.
  • Subscribers can check their bundle benefits by sending 505 as SMS to 606.
  • You Tube bundles can be activated through SMS, USSD, MY Etisalat App. DRM sales platforms.


Also customers can call 888 and request to activate or de-activate this promotion.

Contact point: 

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Long No: 0786-786-786

Short No: 888

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Ehasan Plaza, near Hajji Yaqoub square, Shar-e-Naw, Kabul Afghanistan
+93 786 786 786

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